Monday 12 December 2011


In today's lesson me and my group decided to start to think about what the title of the film is going to be. After creating different ideas for a film title, we then After a long thinking process decided to create a detailed questionnaire to be given out to other class members and in which were our actual target audience. We decided to create a questionnaire on word to be printed off and then handed out in our class (full of 16-18 year olds) which would give use the information that we need. We now need to tally up the results and will so know what the chosen title will be.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Saul Bass Notes

Saul Bass was born in New York in May 8 1920 and died April 25, 1996. He was a Jewish-American, graphic designer and film-maker but was mostly known for his Animated title sequences.Saul bass Studied at the art students league in New York taught by Gyorgy Hopes in who was a Hungarain graphic designer. After completing a  apprenticeships in design films, Saul Bass then went on to work as a free lance graphic designer.

Bass worked for man Hollywood's greatest filmmakers, including Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorsese and many more. His most successful and most known title sequence was claimed to be the animated paper cut-out of a heroin addict's arm for the famous film 'The Man with the Golden Arm'.

Typography examples

New Film Plot

The film takes place in a ordinary british comprehensive school, where we see ordinary outcast Ronald Bateman attempting to survive his social class. This was about to change as his is turn inside-out as he accidentally killing both fellow student and teacher. This creates a massive dilemma which then sparks a accidental killing spree which is provoked by revenge, innocence and girls. He has more problems than he needed which means that exams are not the only thing to worry about this year. With a mixture of dark humor and brutal deaths, this will surely be a film that should not be missed.

Title sequence idea

School Comedy

-        Puberty
-        Social Groups
-        Uniform
-        Dumb Blonde
-        Other Teachers
-        Nerds
-        Stereotypes
-        Class Room
-        Restricted Locations


-        Killing
-        Weapons
-        Blood/Gore
-        Final Girl
-        Frightening Place
-        Misfits of Society
-        Villain/Monster
-        Social Slaying
-        Hero

Idea Notes

-        Morally Wrong
-        Contrapuntal Sound of boy walking to school with fast cuts to brutal murders with screaming and blood
-        Possible name similar to Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls
-        Accident killing – Therefore has to kill suspicious teenagers or teachers.

Plot Outline

-        Teacher and student role playing murder
-        Nerd sees this and believes it’s a real murder and tries to hit the teacher’s. In a result to this he accidently kills the student and kills teacher because she is a witness.
-        When people are suspicious he kills them.

Film Name Ideas

-        Books, Babes & Brutal Murders
-        Bod, Babes & Brutal Murders
-        Books, Babes & Brutal Deaths
-        Big Mistake
-        Name of Character: Grade A Killer
-        Secondary Psycho
-        Secondary Scoundrel


-        Woolwich Poly School
-        Welling School

Death Ideas

-        Deep fat fryer
-        Pen in the eye
-        Javelin
-        Football goal
-        Books fall on top of someone
-        Electrocute
-        Slip over on wet floor
-        Freezer
-        Chair
-        Photo copier
-        Keyboard
-        Chemicals
-        Bunsen Burner
-        Piano 

Title's to appear on sequence

  • Universal studios  logo/ animation.
  • Working title logo/animation
  • 'Universal pictures present'
  • 'In association with studio canal'
  • 'A working title production'
  • 'In association with big talk productions'
  • Main film title.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


In todays lesson we updated our blogs making sure all the required documents and information was uploaded and presented. i found this lesson very useful as this was a good way to catch up on missing work which enabled me to re read my notes and re learn about the previous topics we have studied such as audience and institutions.

I began to create the pitch for our black comedy film. I decided to create this pitch on microsoft power point as this would be the best way to present the pitch if ever asked. I managed to ill in a lot of the films information such as the synopsis, target audience, genre and similar films with help from my other group members. The pitch was left unfinished due to the lack of time but is now fully completed due to continuing at home.

Film Pitch

Sunday 4 December 2011

Scream Title sequence

As the sequence starts the music is very slow pace and calm, this sound could be contrapuntal as it is calm but the red on the screen is an icon of a typical horror convention which is blood; it could also be parallel sound as it does match up with the slow movement on screen. The typography first shown transitions on to the shot with a wavy effect, this shows how something or someone is on the loose and is hard to catch. The letters have a small gap between each other, this shows how things are not simple and something is missing therefore clues need to be found in order to find out who the killer is. The colour of the font is white, this is a way of symbolising purity and this could be representing the typical virginal girl used in horror film. It could also be white because of the contrast it has with red and therefore makes it stand out more.

The typography and the background images on screen are always moving very slow and smoothly, this shows how a smooth criminal is on the loose and is constantly moving so he is not caught. The colours shown then change to black and white, this creates a dark/tense ambiance towards the audience as the colours are plain, simple and can also connote death. The scream mask then appears on the screen, this shows the audience how death and the mask are related but also this is a way of establishing the killer so the audience are aware of what to expect from this character.

The films title is then place in the centre of the frame in red and bigger and bolder than all the other typography used. This is stating the importance of the film as it is place central within the frame. Due to the text being bigger, this shows how the killer is bigger than the other names shown and is therefore more powerful as he is the killer. The text is red once again connoting blood, violence and gore. Screaming is then used to show how 'Scream' is a horror film and this is therefore establishing the genre.

Saturday 3 December 2011


In today's lesson as a class we viewed everyone groups pitch ideas and gave feedback. We were given sheets to fill out for each individual group to help them improve their pitch to make it the best it can be and most useful to the audience. When showing my pitch i was given the feedback that we should do a breakdown of what the budget will be spent on so this gives the audience more details on the finances and to also think more about our title sequence idea to create more enigmas towards the audience.

In these lessons I have learnt how everybody's pitches are different even though they are portraying the same thing towards the audience. I also learnt how the audience needs as much detailed description as possible in order for them to be able to fully understand what the film is about and whether it is worth viewing.